Thursday, May 16, 2013

Crude Update time

So I should probably update this, as i didn't mean to start it up only to ignore it agian. PAX east was wonderful despite the facts that there was a few but there were a few bumps. Though overall everything was great. I re met up with my online pal Misty, and we went out to south station, which about a mile from the back bay convention center. The pizza business there was awesome and the employes was very down to earth, nice people. More to come in an edit later.

Also this next part is from a notebook I wrote in earlier this year or late last year:
So many people think its lame to visit old folks, but I disagree there foolish to miss out some of the happiest times in my life have occurred there. There is more knowledge in one nursing home then you could read or hear in a month from books check out from a library.

One Last thing, please excuse the crudeness of this journal because tab isn't letting me indent things either.