Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm Back Bloggin'

I don't know about you guys (and girls :P), but i had a good summer. I went to florida for two weeks, went to canobie lake park(twice if you count me going with a school club), and just plain got to hang out(like at a friends bday party). Well anyway I'd like to update and answer some questions. First off, anyone that knows where I live and has drove by my house has seen a horse there. Yes that is our horse. We've owned her for about 3 years and her names sunny, but just recently we got fed up with the 2nd barn we tried boarding her at, so we said enough is enough and decided to move her to our own house once we found out from the animal control officer that our land is indeed zoned for horses( who knows?, yours might too animal lovers! :D). Now when our nighbors, names of course withheld, found out we were going to be clearing out some forest in our backyard and having the horse, they decided to try to STEAL some of our land by claiming it was thiers just becuase it wasn't inside our fence. This war ended up with us winning a land survey and us putting up a tall wooden stockade fence to give ourselves privacy. Another question I commonly get after saying its zoned right is "where are you going to/do you ride the horse". Well, now is that really any of YOUR business? ^_^ Didn't think so. Its not the most exciting secret to want to know so drop it. I also right before the end of the school year had my dog die, cody, but this summer we got a puppy called taia(also a German shephar). She is very smart, and I will have a youtube video up soon of the day she came home and my other dog cleo's first reactions. Currently our dog has been having leg problems which be part of a growth deformaty. We Hope that whatever it is will get better as it seems to be starting to. Well. Sience the school year has started I figure I should list my classes
Period A:English
Period B: Animal Science
period C: ????????
period d:Spanish
Period e:Math
period f:desktop publishing
period g: half lunch/half study
period H:????????
C and H you can never mind about. Anyways I hope everyone I know had a good summer and i'll have more about my florida vaction in my next update. Comment and feel free to share your schedules here as well. BTW I'm in sophmore year now.
This is goldbanjo14 signing out......

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

I've been on my laptop all weekend updating it as it'll be getting it fixed soon. It has one blasted speaker and some of the keys off(though there still pressable), not to mention it needs a new battery and clock battery. I am here with some cool websites for people that want....well, cool websites to look at:

In the Art/computer and video games section: -This site has some cool furry/ sonic the hedgehog related art spread across an art gallery, image board, and 4 BBS boards(Practice, Normal, Theme, and Adult(18 or over only)) - For gamers that have the nintendo wii system, this is a barebones, built for wii version of youtube. I believe that every video on youtube just about can be found on this site.(Note: You may of heard of an identicaly sounding It s*cks. dont go to it. -Hands out fake emails you can use to not get spammed when signing up at certain sites on the web.(also home of media pirate, media converter, and temporary forwarding)

In the reading section: -Has lots of reading storys made from fans of various books/movies/tv shows and based off them.

I also have a myspace which is:
well thats it also don't forget about my upcoming

Friday, May 11, 2007

I'm back

yeah im back. I have a two things to say. As a lot of my friends know I'm a multiple animal owner and have a range of many pets at my house( and one over at a barn). A couple sundays ago I had to put my dog cody to sleep. His back legs were so weak they didn't work without great pain; the way they had been for awhile. He was 11 years old and lived for a good life span for a german shephard. You can see a short page about him here:[url]

In other news I'll be going to pinkerton's faculty play(Romeo and Winifred(A (very loose) parody of Romeo and Juliet)) at the night of this post and what I think of it will be posted below as soon as i get back:

Well thats all I can think of at the moment. Come back for the review!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Quick Update

I'll probly give a full update Friday when I get back on my PC for a good amount of time.
Heres something cool real quick: tests your internet speed to the rest of the world. For accurate results though turn off any speed accelerators you might have on. See ya soon.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

What I've always been up to that (most of you) never knew.

During the first semester of this school year I had a period C study that a lot of times I wrote fanfiction during it. I had been practicing sience 5th or 6th grade my fanfic skills but this was the first fanfic I felt could really be counted as a, well, a fanfic. It was called "Matrix 4: Return of Smith" and was what I thought was happening after the matrix revolutions( Ignoring The Matrix Online storyline completly as that would be predictable and the game is still in progress.) movie. I wrote 10 or so full chapters but one day accidently erased it from google docs and spreadsheets. However I decided to use some of the ideas in my new and improved story, which is not yet named. Chapter 1 will be coming by along with the first chapter of my sonic/jak&daxter crossover 4/30/07 so stay tuned.

Also, heres a funny link for a commentary of a very hard level of SMB (WARNING:Strong language):

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Good news and bad news

Sorry for not updating often. I will be updating a lot more in the future from now on.
On 4/13/07, friday the 13th, My hamster apple died, which is very sad. I will soon make a tribute to apple video(With bonus randomness at the end) using windows movie maker. I don't know when it will show up on youtube but stay tuned! I finished a tourtament this weekend for my basketball team. We lost all games, but still had a good time. :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A quick update

Im not dead friends I just have been busy. More stuff to come soon!.

In depth info about my aunt and the cat she gave us.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

post update

its been a cold couple weeks. I did good in finals. the following is my new schedule:
g:half study then half lunch
h:american goverment

not too bad of a schedule(though there wasn't a class available to replace the 0-credit one.

I also have seen Epic movie. Check out the review for it at my new tech blog techfuzz at

I was going to pick a similiar but more perferred title but some people already took it.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Finals are over!

Well semester 1 finals are over. Here are the rest of my grades(some soon to come). scroll down to the older post for the others.


Tommorow I start the following scedule:
Period A:science
Period B:?
Period C:dailyjunkskills
Period D:Compapps2
Period E:Math
Period f:?
period g:?
period h:American goverment

Cool LINk:

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Finally some snow.

It has actully snowed finally. though not quite enogh fgor sledding and i'll bet it will melt agian with all the wierd weather lately. I also took a video of my front video and have some pictures of my yard covered in snow.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Semester 1 finals,snow, ice, and fun.

Starting on Wendsday( Monday was part of a 3 day weekend and tuesday the school was closed cuase of horrible ice.)I took finals for semster 1 at my school. Here Are the grades Ive got back so far:

Life skills(EW!:P):93/100

This past weekend I went over my friends house. The power went out once on tuesday but we have a generator. The cable, internet and phone went out for a while though. >(

Ill add more grades as I get them.

Transfer from old blog

I had a blog linked to my account. This is my blog now though.
Christmas of 2006
I got:
A Logitech PC headset
Non working GBA flash cart.>(
Sonic rush
I cant remember anything else.


Morning:Got up Fine.

Period A:Gym: Another tabloid today. Tommorow I'll be doing my tabloid with my parner(s).

Period B:English: I forgot my homework but my english teacher cut me a break and I got somewhat of a grade on it.

Period C:Study: Nothin much in study. Just talked about the holidays and stuff to my friend Dave.

Period D(Daily Living skills):I HATE THIS CLASS ITS SO BABYISH!>(

Period E:Math: The usual+a test=homework check+test/classwork+Homework

Period F:Science: Today we had a quiz. I got a 95% on it. W00T! :D

Period G1:Normal half study

Period G2: I had a lunch detention with my dailylivskills teacher.

Period H:compapps1: Started work on powerpoint presentations.

After school: I stayed after school in the library and saw my friend PJ in the saltmarsh library. He is the one who introduced me to this awesome site. Tonight for dinner our family had spegetti(sp?).